now and ever more

each journey begins with one step . . . a baby step

a year ago today . . . April 18, 2013

Filed under: Baby,IVF/FET Journey — nowandevermore @ 5:15 PM
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A year ago today our little guy came to be.  Yes, on April 18, 2012 I underwent my egg retrieval and they took my eggs and injected hubby’s sperm and our little guy was created.  I can’t believe that was a year ago already.

I remember thinking that this would be the one.  Third time was going to be the charm.  And I was right!  One of these embryos became our precious little boy.


And then just 3 days later on April 21 they put him inside.  I remember after they put the embryos back, the nurse walked me back to where my husband was and I burst out into tears as we walked.  I just knew this would be the one.  I felt so different that day.

Looking back and seeing those dates, gave me a little bit of the chills.  They put him back in on the 21st of the month and he was born on the 21st of December (2.5 weeks early).  Meant to be.  ♥

Thanks for reading!


products . . . April 12, 2013

Filed under: Baby,Misc Stuff — nowandevermore @ 3:23 PM
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So as things are moving along here and we are trying new things to see how they work with our baby I thought I would share some of the products I have purchased that I really like.

I have been swaddling our little guy since the beginning.  But our little Houdini likes to try to get his arms out.  All of the swaddles we have tried he has managed to get his arms out or he struggles to get them out thus not allowing himself to sleep.  I did the swaddle sleepsack but the “wings” are too long and he is able to get his arms out.  I came across this in one of the BabyCenter forums and thought I would give it a try!  Well, I love it.  And I think our little guy likes it too, as he does not struggle or fuss when he is in it.  The “pillows” keep his arms at his side and the Velcro is very sturdy.  I use this in conjunction with the Halo Sleepsack.  It is a perfect combination.

I use my Boppy pillow to nurse our little guy.  On occasion when I need to step away for a bit, I put it on the bed and prop our little guy up with it.  However, as he has started to wiggle around a bit more, he usually ends up slumped down in the middle of it.  So I don’t leave him in it for more than a minute or two.  So I searched on Amazon and found this product.  It is not a Boppy brand (they do have one though) but I think this is better as it a little deeper on one side than the other.  I love it and I know he does too!  I typically put him to sleep on the bed for his first several hours.  But then when he wakes up around 5:30-6am to eat I put him back to sleep in this.  And it is so easy to put him in it for times when I need a break.  🙂  I also included a photo of our dog attempting to sit in it.  Jealous?  Perhaps.  And also of our little guy bending over to look at the TV, little stinker!  Most of the time he just sits nice in it, but for some reason he was bound a determined to watch TV.  So he pusjed himself into that position with his legs.

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And lastly for this installment, I have a new piece of furniture for the baby’s room.  A year ago I saw a friend had pinned this on Pintrest (1st photo).  I was intrigued. I loved the fact that it swiveled and had a mirror and the storage.  However, it linked to a site and it was $600!  I did a search and found the same product for about $350.  WAY TOO MUCH!!!  So I pinned it and went about with my life.

Last year I joined a group on Facebook where people can post things they want to sell.  It is a local group so it is just for 3 of the towns around where we live.  Most of it is clothes that I am not interested in.  Once in a while people post household items.  Well, on Wednesday there was a post that had a similar cabinet to the one I saw on Pintrest.  She was asking $50 OBO (or best offer).  I emailed her and asked dimensions.  I was getting excited.  I had hoped no one else had contacted her before me.  She took another photo showing me the side with the mirror and gave me the dimensions.  It was about 70 inches tall and 20 by 20 inches square.  Hubby told me to offer her $35 cash.  I did and she countered with $40.  We jumped at it and within 30 minutes hubby had picked it up and I was starting to clean it.  It was dirty and there was a sticker on the mirror.  That came off easily and it cleaned up easily and we rearranged a couple of things and put it in the corner.  It is PERFECT!  I LOVE IT!!!  I know it was probably a couple of hundred dollars brand new as it has a nice laminate finish and is VERY heavy. The 2 additional pictures of it are how it looks now.  We did not have a mirror in the baby’s room and I was starting to think about what to get and we did not have any shelves yet so this is just really an all-purpose item that I can see being used for years!  It has the hooks and bar on both sides, but those can he easily removed (I did that to clean it) and I could add a cork board to one side if I wanted to down the road.  Oh and 2 of the shelves are adjustable up top and there is an adjustable shelf in the closed part below. WOO HOO!!!

Display-It Storage Mirror    013 012

Thanks for reading!


my new favorite photo . . . April 7, 2013

Filed under: Baby — nowandevermore @ 11:51 AM

I was getting the camera ready for hubby’s recording session today and wanted to make sure it was on the right settings.  I was also breastfeeding our little guy and turned the camera on him for a quick test shot.  I got this and absolutely LOVE it!!!


Thanks for reading.


The Mindy Project . . . April 2, 2013

Filed under: Misc Stuff — nowandevermore @ 3:21 PM

OK, so I mentioned in my last post that hubby’s song will be featured in tonight’s episode.  It looks like they switched and now the episode will air on Thursday night.  I can’t wait!

Thanks for reading!