now and ever more

each journey begins with one step . . . a baby step

weeks 9, 10 & 11 . . . April 30, 2017

Man, I can’t believe I am this far behind in my blogging.  So sorry about that!  Looking back I can say a lot of things have been going on, from Easter with the parents here for a visit, to some fun activities with our son, and just a lot of other little everyday things that occupy our time.

So let me catch you up:

Week 9 – I was down 2.2 lbs

Week 10 – down another 3.6lbs!  WHOA!

Week 11 – I was down another 1.4lbs

For a grand total, as of yesterday, of 28 pounds gone forever!!!  I try really hard not to say lost, because I have no intention of finding them again!  LOL!

I am also happy to say I am halfway through week 4 of Jessica Smith’s “6 Week Total Transformation System”.  Some days the workouts really kick my butt, but at this point I am all in and really look forward to doing it.  I am feeling stronger and know that this has been helping with the weight loss.  I know it is a tough workout when I feel like I can’t move without a little soreness the next day.  But I continue because I know it is good for me and heck, if her Mom can do these workouts with her, surely  I can too!  🙂

I am already looking ahead to decide what I am going to do once the 6 weeks are done.

As I have about 16 pounds to reach my goal, I am thinking that I can probably get there by the end of June.  That is 9 weeks and I think totally doable.

And because I am feeling really good right now, I am going to share a progress photo of myself at the start of this (picture on left) and as of April 24 (week 10) (picture on right), so you can see the comparison!

Thanks for reading!

weight loss 4-24-17-copy


2 Responses to “weeks 9, 10 & 11 . . .”

  1. Peter Says:

    Congrats on all your progress! BTW, Jessica’s mom is HOT! You wouldn’t happen to have her number would you?

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